AI solution tailored for dealerships, offering intelligent insights based on customer interactions. Its features are designed to improve dealership operations and enhance the customer experience:

AI chatbot designed to enhance website visitor engagement and convert them into prospective customers. It is equipped with advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, allowing it to engage visitors with human-like interactions. Key features include:

Customer Intelligence

Dealer Mesh analyzes customer interactions to create detailed customer profiles, enabling personalized interactions and targeted marketing

Sales Automation:

It streamlines sales processes, automates repetitive tasks, and provides sales teams with data-driven insights to optimize their strategies

Sales Automation:

It streamlines sales processes, automates repetitive tasks, and provides sales teams with data-driven insights to optimize their strategies

Marketing Intelligence:

Dealer Mesh offers marketing insights, helping dealerships tailor their campaigns and promotions to reach the right audience.

Location Intelligence:

Location-based data helps dealerships understand regional preferences, allowing for more effective sales and marketing efforts.

Customer Insights:

The platform compiles in-depth customer insights, including purchase history, preferences, and behavior, helping sales reps tailor their pitches and provide a personalized experience.


AI algorithms suggest customer touchpoints, helping sales teams decide the most effective ways to engage with customers. It also identifies high-potential leads and recommends suitable campaigns.


By analyzing user behavior, mouse interactions, and historical data, Concierge tailors the online shopping experience to individual customer preferences.

Product Recommendations:

It suggests products that align with a customer's requirements, increasing the likelihood of purchase.

User Interest Prediction:

Concierge tracks mouse interactions and predicts user interest, allowing businesses to provide timely assistance and suggestions during the customer's journey.


Let’s elevate health & wellness industry to new heights.

Filing a HIPAA Complaint

Explanation of who qualifies as covered entities (healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses) and their responsibilities under HIPAA.

Filing a HIPAA Complaint

Explanation of who qualifies as covered entities (healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses) and their responsibilities under HIPAA.

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